Scrum team

Hire a high performance SCRUM team to burn your backlog

Do you have a project that you do not have the time to do yourself? At IMU we can deliver your project a full Scrum team. A team full of seasoned talent that throws itself into your project in sprints. Under the supervision of a tech lead, who guarantees architecture and quality. This way you add a flexible layer to your IT department, in this way your business has more time to focus on the core business and innovation. Sounds good right, let’s connect and talk about the possibilities

What we offer

mumbai office

We take everything off your hands

The development teams work at our office in Mumbai (India). All you have to provide is a project and someone who communicates a vision of the final project (the role of Product Owner). Furthermore, we take everything completely off your hands.


We work according to the Scrum Framework

Within Scrum we work in self-organising, multidisciplinary teams. Our Scrum teams consist of 3 to 6 developers, which we carefully put together based on a personality test and a technical intake. Together they work on (partial) products for your organization in short sprints of 1 to 4 weeks.


IMU Delivery standards

Need a personalised solution?

Don’t hestitate to contact us, we like to hear about your business IT needs!